Redmi 9 Power comes with Octa-core Qualcomm snapdragon 662 processor and upto 2.0GHz clock speed. It also comes with 48 MP Quad Rear camera setup + Ultra-wide and Macro mode along with 8 MP front camera. Redmi 9 Power also features 16.58 centimeters (6.53-inch) FHD + display with 1080×2340 pixels and 19.5:9 aspect ratio. It also comes with 6000 mAh large battery with 18W charging support. Dual speakers
- 48MP quad rear camera, ultra-wide, macro mode, portrait, ai scene recognition, night mode, hdr, pro mode | 8MP front camera
- 16.58 centimeters (6.53 inch) FHD+ multi-touch capacitive touchscreen with 2340 x 1080 pixels resolution, 394 ppi pixel density and 19.5:9 aspect ratio
- Memory, Storage & SIM: 4GB RAM | 64GB internal memory expandable up to 512GB | Dual SIM + Dedicated SD card slot
- Android v10 operating system with upto 2.0GHz clock speed Qualcomm Snapdragon 662 octa core processor
- 6000mAH large lithium-polymer battery 18W charging support
- 1 year manufacturer warranty for device and 6 months manufacturer warranty for in-box accessories including batteries from the date of purchase
- Box also includes: Power adapter, usb cable, SIM eject tool, warranty card, user guide and clear soft case